Tasmania Valentine’s Day Lunch

Shipwrights Arms 29 Trumpeter Street, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

A Special Lunch to Celebrate Valentine's Day Enjoy a meal with friends and colleagues Guests welcome Dress - smart casual

Sydney Lord Nelson Pub Lunch

Lord Nelson Brewery Hotel 19 Kent Street, The Rocks, NSW, Australia

NO FINER SETTING FOR A GROUP OF FORMER OR SERVING MARINERS THAN THE ICONIC AND HISTORICAL LORD NELSON BREWERY PUB. A main course lunch of your choice plus open bar for $65 prepaid. Now with exclusive use of the upstairs dining area. Always popular and limited places so book early once you receive the email […]

Melbourne Monthly Casual Drinks

RACV Club 501 Bourke St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

NO HOST SOCIAL GATHERING FOR MEMBERS AND LIKE-MINDED GUESTS Drinks at regular bar prices. Just turn up on the day. Dress – Smart Casual

Meeting and Dinner

Fremantle Sailing Club 151 Marine Terrace, Fremantle, WA, Australia

For evening events at Fremantle Sailing Club. the Chapter will look at introducing a discussion period around a subject presented by one of our members or an invited guest.

Melbourne Monthly Casual Drinks

RACV Club 501 Bourke St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

NO HOST SOCIAL GATHERING FOR MEMBERS AND LIKE-MINDED GUESTS Drinks at regular bar prices. Just turn up on the day. Dress – Smart Casual

VIC – Veterans Group Lunch

A New Experience Join other veterans for a very special lunch Guest speaker LTGEN Susan Coyle AM CSC DSM - Chief of Joint Capabilities Venue at the MCG to be confirmed Dress - coat and tie

TAS Monthly Drinks

Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania Marieville Esplanade, Sandy Bay Tasmania 7005, Sandy Bay, TAS, Australia

A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO MEET UP WITH OLD FRIENDS AND POTENTIALLY MAKE SOME NEW. No host event - bring a nautical friend Casual drinks at bar prices Pay your own way Dress – smart casual

Melbourne Quarterly Lunch

VICTORIA DIVISION QUARTERLY LUNCH IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO CATCH UP WITH FORMER COLLEAGUES AND MEET SOME NEW FRIENDS. Venue TBA Guests Welcome Dress – Smart Casual Cost $65. Pay on the day. Drinks at bar prices. Dress – Smart Casual

Informal Lunch

United Services Club 183 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, QLD, Australia

Luncheon Anzac House

Anzac House 28 Saint Georges terrace, Perth, WA, Australia
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