Indian Navy’s Sub-Lieutenant Inder Pal Singh and Royal Australian Navy’s Lieutenant Commander Mitchell Tavener at an official reception on board HMAS Stuart, alongside Visakhapatnam, India.
8th November 2024 – Exercise Malabar 2024 – Defence News – SBLT James Kelly:
HMAS Stuart and JS Ariake have hosted simultaneous official receptions during the shore phase of Exercise Malabar. The unique dual reception included crew from Stuart, Ariake, USS Dewey, members of the Indian Navy and dignitaries from the Australian High Commission – India.
The event provided a unique opportunity for guests to cross-deck and interact with members from partner nations before Malabar’s sea phase.
The cultural exchange made for an enjoyable experience for all involved. Lieutenant Isabella Lanca, a US Navy officer on board Dewey, attended both receptions and reflected on her experience. “The opportunity to exchange stories and experiences with people with such diverse backgrounds is always a highlight of our deployments,” she said. “The food and beverages served on both ships were a testament to the cultures, and individuality, of each nation.”
Flight Commander Flight 602 Lieutenant Commander Alan Dickenson, embarked on board Stuart, felt fortunate to be in Visakhapatnam for the exercise. “Interoperability and ongoing trust and friendships are of significant importance for all participants in Exercise Malabar,” Lieutenant Commander Dickenson said. “Establishing deeper connections with our allied nations holds incredible value when working alongside each other at sea. “This official reception afforded the optimum environment to establish these connections.”