The second Australian White Ensign mess dinner was held at the Royal Automobile Club in Sydney and was supported by 94 attendees, drawn from the ranks of the NOC (predominant), RAC, XRAN Alumni and Australian Pioneers Society. NOC President Simon Cullen ably fulfilled the duties of Mess President.
Prior to the keynote address by the Guest of Honour, Simon Cullen addressed the importance of the Australian White Ensign in the RAN history.
Retired Rear Admiral Ian Crawford has been leading the push to have the AWE flown at the Tobruk Memorial in Canberra and he regaled the audience with tales tall and true of the Army’s reluctance to come to the party. Perseverence pays and it is likely to come into fruition soon.
Former Chief of the Defence Force, Admiral Chris Barrie AC, delivered and excellent dissertation on the historical associations the RAN has enjoyed with both the Royal Navy and the United States Navy and the part that the Australian White Ensign has played in those relationships. A lively question time followed the formal element.
For former naval officers and their partners, the opportunity to attend a dynamic mess dinner is always a welcome opportunity to reminisce and enjoy. Those attendees not familiar with the occasion walked away impressed by the senior service.