Boeing Factory Tour
Boeing aircraft factory and museum Psst! Wanna see the biggest American airliners being constructed in the biggest shed in the world? Go North, young man, from San Francisco to Seattle, […]
Boeing aircraft factory and museum Psst! Wanna see the biggest American airliners being constructed in the biggest shed in the world? Go North, young man, from San Francisco to Seattle, […]
805 Squadron In a moving ceremony hosted by the Maritime Commander Australia, RADM Geoff Smith AM RAN, and attended by the Chief of Navy VADM David Shackleton AO RAN, 805 […]
A TARCAP with Belfast During the Korean War, HMAS Sydney supplied spotter aircraft for TARCAP (Naval Gunfire Support, shore bombardment). Early one day Belfast reported unfriendly fire from the Chinnampo […]
RAN Helicopters by Anthony HaighThis essay was a distinguished entry in the 2002 Naval Officers Club Literary Prize competition. Considering the relatively short time it has been around, the development of […]
Australia’s maritime air power by Tom Lewis This essay was awarded first prize in the Naval Officers Club Literary Prize competition, 2003. It was published in the Naval Officers Club […]
The “revolt of the admirals” The separation of the Army Air Force from the Army and the establishment of an American Department of Defense structure shortly after WW II set […]
Naval aviation in Korea. by Fred Lane Paper presented at the Aviation Historical Society of Australia, Sydney, 7 July 2004. To understand naval aviation in the Korean War, it is […]
The F-35…and beyond James Fallows, in an excellent article in the Atlantic Monthly (see Web page http://www. described the political and commercial dogfights between lead companies Boeing and Lockheed […]
Birdstrike This article was a distinguished entry in the 2001 Naval Officers Club Literary Prize competition. Written and compiled from LEUT Tristram’s personal account of the incident to the author.© […]