The Conditions of Membership of the Association are contained in the Association Constitution and are extracted here for convenience:
Membership of the Naval Officers Association
a. Membership is open to:
- An individual who has served or is serving as an officer in the RAN or an allied Navy.
- The partner of a deceased member of the NOA.
b. Membership may also be open to others who have a close association with, or interest in the purpose and roles of the Association; each such application being considered on its merits by the committee.
c. An individual is taken to be a member of the Association if:
- the individual was a Member or an Associate of the Naval Officers Club Incorporated immediately before establishment of the NOA; or
- the individual has applied for membership of the NOA and has been accepted.
d. Ordinary Membership
Ordinary members are those members who pay an annual membership fee. This category of membership includes former members of the Naval Officers Club who purchased a lifetime membership.
e. Honorary Membership
From time to time the Committee may honour individual members whose long standing and selfless commitment to the Association, the Navy and to Australia deserves special recognition. Members so honoured shall be added to the Association’s Honour Roll as life members in perpetuity. The Honour Roll will be maintained by the Secretary and published on the Association website
* ‘allied navies’ has been defined as ‘other Commonwealth Navies and Navies with whom Australia has current defence alliances’.
Membership Form
You can signup online using your credit card: Click here to Signup Online
For a Membership Joining Form click NOA Membership Application
A List of New Members is published in the Association Quarterly Newsletter.
As a member you will have access to the Online Member Directory.